| Wise Men Still Seek Him |
| My Testimony When I was six years old, I wanted to walk down the aisle. I told my parents that I wanted to be a christian, and excitedly we all ran down the aisle on a Sunday evening. I could hrdly wait for all the attention that would follow. Everyone said that they were soo proud of me. I said the prayer, but I didn't mean it. Later when I was twelve years old, I was attending a Jay Strack Crusade that was being held at the local high school football field. I goofed off the first couple of nights with my friends up at the very top of the bleachers. The last night I actually listened. A chill went up and down my back when I realized that I was not saved. As soon as the invitation started, I ran down to the field. It was at that time that I accepted Jesus into my heart. It was the single most important moment of my life. The road after has not been easy, I went through depression...twice, once because of stress, and once over a girl, my mom had breast cancer and skin cancer, my dad was electrocuted, and my little brother had what they thought was arthritis, but through it all God has never left us hangin. I feel like because of our trials of life, God has made us stronger. F.R.O.G. Fully Rely On God! God is still working in my life. I was accepted to be on staff at World Changers camp(an organization that helps the people that can't afford to repair their houses)! I can't wait. I am thankful for my family, my church, my friends, two guys that keep me straight and expect me to do the same to them, but most of all for the leader of jiv...my savior. JESUS CHRIST.